Updates About Kiss the Ground for World Soil Day

The Netflix documentary continues to inspire soil advocacy in millions of viewers across the globe.
World Soil Day

Since its streaming debut in September, the film has raised awareness for the importance of regenerative farming and the healthy practice of letting Mother Nature “do her thing.”

The community is growing and the impact is significant …

  • 800+ new soil advocates have registered for training. Enrollment is still open if you’d like to join—sign up here.
  • Farmers and ranchers are making the switch to regenerative agriculture, by registering for the Regen AG101 course, which begins this winter.
  • Many in the film’s audience have also utilized the convenient Find Your Path tool to access simple ways to help.
  • The documentary team has been invited to participate in 46 film festivals, enabling more and more people to learn about the huge role soil plays in our fight against climate change.
  • The film has won 29 awards to date, bringing incredible exposure to the cause.
  • Schools in 44 countries are now able to access a free educational version of the film. If you are an accredited educator, order your copy here.

You can also purchase swag to help the Kiss the Ground nonprofit organization.

Today, in honor of World Soil day, view a live panel beginning at 2 pm EST titled: Climate Change and the Soil Carbon Solution, a Conversation with Farmers, Scientists, Brands & Policymakers. It is presented by the Rodale Institute and Kiss the Ground. RSVP here to watch.

Kiss the Ground also encourages everyone to raise awareness for soil by participating in the #4soil campaign organised by Alter Eco They recommend posting a photo of your own palm with the hashtag #4soil anytime today; support companies that use regenerative and beyond fair-trade practices and start conversations about soil health with family and friends who aren’t yet in-the-know.

If you haven’t yet seen the film, or would like to share Kiss the Ground with friends and family, here are a few ways to watch.

Follow @kisstheground on Instagram for frequent updates about the film and soil advocacy.

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