One natural resource that’s essential for life is clean water—and it’s in appallingly short supply. Each day, 6,000 children die from preventable, water-borne diseases. Because we firmly believe that access to clean drinking water is a basic human right, we concentrate on supporting communities that are prepared to help themselves through education and infrastructure development.

The sentiment of an old proverb states, “Give someone a fish and they eat for a day. Teach them to fish, and they eat for life.” This concept fosters the idea of creating and fostering sustainable communities, starting with the most basic of resources: clean water. By providing access to this, we can provide irrigation for plants and literally save lives from disease and inadequate hygiene.

Your Donations Support Projects Like These

The impact of your kindness is reflected in these positive outcomes.

Nkope Anglican Mission Station

Improved access to clean water with the rehabilitation of a water system in Central Malawi, which provided relief for 1,200 people.
Julian Lennon Charity Water Birthday Fundraiser Rwanda Clean Water

Charity Water

Built wells in Rwanda and Ethiopia for two separate projects, which helped 900 people gain access to clean drinking water.

Borehole Well

Alongside Interactions & Solidarity Monaco collaborated to provide a well to deliver clean water to 100% of the population in a Kenyan community of over 3,000.
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