Support our Environment
100% of your money goes to this Campaign
With Antarctica registering record high temperatures and the intensity of natural disasters rapidly rising, there’s never been a more vital time to act on the Climate Crisis. From planting life-giving trees to keeping toxic plastics out of the ocean, we work with partners across the globe dedicated to the conservation of our natural resources.

A Heartfelt Thanks
Donations from our supporters enable us to continue our support of reforestation in Tanzania and other similar projects. In this slideshow, some of our recent partners in the field share their gratitude for the contributions from The White Feather Foundation community.
For decades, Julian has sounded the alarm of environmental distress through his music, photography and children’s books. Today we amplify this awareness through action-based efforts that work to intervene, educate and advocate for the earth—while there’s still time to save it.
Your Donations Support Projects Like These
The impact of your kindness is reflected in these positive outcomes.

Tanzania Reforestation Project
Together with ForestNation and the Friends of Usambara Conservation Project, helped eight rural schools plant over 81,000 seedlings in their tree nurseries.

Plastic Oceans
Provided support for Plastic Oceans UK, on a mission to keep plastic out of the oceans by engaging citizens to act using education, such as documentary films.

Disaster Relief
In the wake of devastating earthquakes across the globe, alongside charity partner Music for Relief, The White Feather Foundation helped over 20,000 individuals attain shelter, crucial medical supplies and hygiene kits for impacted citizens.