Meet Joyce, Future Teacher

This is the third in our series that spotlights recipients of The Cynthia Lennon Scholarship for Girls.
joyce future teacher

I started at Liverpool College of Art in September 1957. I had just turned eighteen and could hardly believe my luck.

With the help of a 2017 Cynthia Lennon Scholarship for Girls through the White Feather Foundation, Joyce finished her third year of high school. Since then, she’s continued her secondary studies and, as of November 2018, became a proud high school graduate.
Joyce Cynthia Lennon Scholarship for Girls
Joyce is currently studying to be a primary school teacher. It’s the job she was born to do! She can settle an unruly crowd, organize a collective clean up effort and convey information clearly, all while making everyone in the room feel special.
She is currently doing her student teaching at a primary school near Cura Orphanage. We know her sense of humor and commanding personality will make her a remarkable young teacher!

The White Feather Foundation is honoured to be able to assist girls like Joyce and help to break the cycle of poverty in underprivileged communities. There’s never been a better time to spread hope for the future, and when we help one child, we help many.

Be part of something that can change lives. Make a donation to The Cynthia Lennon Scholarship for Girls to transform the lives of more girls. Give with love, here.

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March 31, 2020 22:03

Blessing to you Joyce to a new beginning……..Congratulations 🙏

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