Introducing HuGold Special Edition CBD Oil for The White Feather Foundation

This 10% CBD Organic Full Spectrum Oil is Bio Suisse Organic and chemical, pesticide, heavy metal-free.

We are thrilled to announce a new partnership with HuGold, a company co-founded by our TWFF Global Ambassador, Kim Kindersley.

Through natural farming, harvesting by hand and slow drying, their group produces exquisite artisan oils, often used to promote wellness. 

Their team in Switzerland has created a special edition 10% CBD oil to benefit The White Feather Foundation. 20% of the proceeds from each bottle sold will go directly to the Save the Mirning Sea Country campaign.

We invite you to discover their unique production process, learn more about our partnership, hear from folks who have enjoyed their oils and shop this special edition to benefit TWFF. 

We thank you in advance for your support.

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