Inspired by his 1992 encounter with elders from the Mirning People, Julian’s next children’s book centers around 12-year-old twins named Dusk and Dawn. The story tells of their life in the Amazon River Basin and their fight to protect the environment of their homeland.
“It’s important for kids to know the challenges faced by Indigenous People and the constant battles they endure to preserve Mother Earth,” Julian remarked. “Bart and I hope this graphic novel will help educate and inspire children everywhere to take ownership of the conservation of their culture and environment.”
With illustrations from Alejandra Green and Fanny Rodriguez, the book is age-appropriate for middle-grade children, aimed at a slightly older audience than the previous works by Julian and Bart.
The books in the Touch the Earth trilogy, authored by Julian and Bart, are available in traditional picture book format, board books, box sets and audiovisual versions. A portion of the proceeds from all of the books benefits The White Feather Foundation to #conservelife.
The Morning Tribe is slated for release in the fall/winter of 2021. Watch this space for updates.