Project update from Burkina Faso

WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

Final project report summary from our project with Monaco Red Cross (MRC) and Burkina Faso Red Cross (BFRC)

  • 520 families.
  • Burkina Faso, Sahel region, Soum province, Koutougou and Arbinda townships.

“The Monaco and the Burkina Faso Red Cross would like to thank the White Feather Foundation for its generous support in helping the most vulnerable families in accessing safe drinking water and improving their hygiene conditions so that their quality of life will be raised substantially.”


Water activity


Two boreholes with hand pumps have been rehabilitated in Koutougou Township, one in Koutougou centre and the other one in the district of Sinikieke.


The two rehabilitated boreholes are used by 1616 people (155 families) plus the cattle.

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Reached results

  • The boreholes are safe, accessible to all and protected from animals. Each borehole is equipped with a watering trough for animals.
  • They provide enough water to solve the target population’s needs.
  • They provide safe drinking water according to norms and standards.
  • They are properly operated and maintained by a trained Water Committee.

Hygiene activity


The hygiene training sessions have been implemented in 5 villages. Three villages in Arbinda Township (Gaik-Ngota, Liki and Arbinda) as well as two villages in Koutougou Township (Gomdemossi and Koutougou).


2256 people (315 families) have been helped through the project by door to door awareness sessions, so 265 families more than planned. Furthermore, 132 group chat awareness sessions have been animated and have targeted 1550 people. The large number of beneficiaries is due to the enthusiasm of the population around the topics covered. Also, volunteers and hygienists convinced by the validity of the topics, were not limited only to the 50 families’ beneficiaries of the latrines in Gaik-Ngota village but have extended the sessions to the population of all villages covered by the project.

Reached results

Adults and children have been properly trained on personal hygiene, water management, sanitation and environmental hygiene. At least 50 families have entered into a behavioural changes process through the project. Behavioural change is a long process for an implementation of less than 3 months, it is very difficult to objectively measure behavioural changes at population level (this will be measured in about a year).

Sanitation activity


50 latrines were built in Gaik-Ngota village in Arbinda Township.


805 people (50 families) have directly benefited from the construction of 50 new latrines. The large number of beneficiaries is due to the situation of Gaik-Ngota village because this population lives in concession with an average of 16 people per concession. The number of users per latrine complies with International SPHERE standards which is 1 latrine for 20 users.

Reached results

  • The 50 new latrines are installed according to international and national standards.
  • They are properly operated and maintained by the beneficiaries. Latrine maintenance kits have also been provided to each target families.

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