Updates from GLOW Academy

Students were chosen from this U.S.-based organisation for the 2023 Cynthia Lennon Scholarship for Girls.
Glow room

Funds from this scholarship were used to maintain and expand The Calming Room—a special area that focuses on the mental health and well-being of the girls. Due to safety concerns, we are unable to share photos of the GLOW Academy students publicly. What follows is an update from a professional who works closely with them.

Grounding table

“The student support team would like to thank The White Feather Foundation for their generous donation to GLOW Academy. 

GLOW Academy’s mission statement supports the development of the whole girl. Supporting and assisting our students in addressing and taking care of their emotional needs is central to this philosophy.

During the 2023/2024 school year The Calming Room was used daily by approximately 8 to 9 students. The grant from your organization was used to increase and replace many of our sensory tools, some of the lighting,  the addition of new area rugs, affirming posters and signs. We were also able to add a laptop to the room that is used by our students to access mental health resources (guided meditations, affirmations, comedy, virtual coloring books, literature that discuss mental health, etc.). 

In addition, we will be using the grant to provide five students with group therapy. In March, we spoke with Coastal Horizons to discuss having the school-based therapist provide group counseling. The group will run for four weeks during the first quarter of the 24-25 school year.

Once again, we thank the foundation for its support of our students.  As the saying goes …” It takes a village to raise a child”  You are part of GLOW’s village.”

Janet Tucker, MSW
School Social Worker
GLOW Academy

Photos courtesy of GLOW Academy. 

To donate to The Cynthia Lennon Scholarship for Girls or become a monthly member of The Muse, which allocates funds directly to this scholarship, start here.

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Cathy Miller
Cathy Miller
June 25, 2024 21:59

A clean calm peaceful environment is so much needed to be able to focus. We live in a pretty powerful hectic world. To have a place like that. You could conquer the world.

Virginia Abreu de Paula
Virginia Abreu de Paula
June 26, 2024 17:33

What a great idea. I have never heard of anything like that before.

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