Friendship Lesson

This activity links love and friendship for children, teaching that the more you give, the more your love will multiply and extend to others.
Friendship Lesson

Let our love GROW … and GROW … and GROW!

Materials you’ll need

  • Construction Paper or Cardstock in Bright Colours
  • Scissors
  • Stapler


  1. Cut paper into strips of equal length.
  2. Loop a strip of paper into itself and staple the two ends.
  3. Pinch slightly at bottom and round edges near staple to form a heart.
  4. Loop the next strip through the new heart and repeat steps until your garland is desired length.
  5. Share the love by displaying your new heart garland in a place for all to see!

Suggested discussion topics

  • How offering love and support to others makes love grow stronger.
  • Why making friends expands love.
  • What the best ways are to be a good friend.

Free audio visual download with each book purchase

For Julian’s Birthday and Earth Month, enjoy free audio visual books narrated by Julian Lennon when you purchase any book in the series.

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