Migration Lesson

This activity demonstrates the path of a chosen animal during their migration to show children the importance of a healthy earth across different regions.
Migration Lesson

A migration is the annual journey of animals from one region to another.

Materials you’ll need

  • Shoe Box with Lid Removed
  • Paper Bag
  • Paper or Toy Representations of Chosen Migration Animal (find a good list to choose from here)
  • Decorations that Can Be Used to Represent the Animal’s Journey
  • Scissors
  • Glue


  1. Cut paper bag and glue it to cover outside of shoe box.
  2. Decorate the box to resemble nature and place different items along the way for your animal to rest along their journey.
  3. Add your animal in different areas to represent their travels.

Suggested discussion topics

  • What types of animals migrate in addition to the one chosen for the shadow box.
  • What types of flora, fauna and other animals they may encounter on their journey.
  • Why it’s important to take care of Mother Earth to provide a safe haven for animals as they migrate.

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For Julian’s Birthday and Earth Month, enjoy free audio visual books narrated by Julian Lennon when you purchase any book in the series.

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