Take Action on World Cancer Day

Learn about the ways you can join the fight against cancer
Cancer claims over 9 million lives each year, yet at least 3.7 million of those lives could be saved through prevention strategies, early detection and treatment. Today, on World Cancer Day, we want to empower those of you in our community to take action in whatever way you’re able to help move us all toward a cancer-free world.

Spread Awareness

There are several reasons why many choose not to get screened or tested for cancer: Fear, cost, lack of symptoms, stigmas surrounding certain types of cancers, etc. However, the data shows that early detection offers a greater chance for survival. Help get the word out on your favorite social channels with a customizable social media poster, courtesy of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), and share widely. Also, if getting tested for cancer saved your life, share your story on a personal blog to inspire others to do the same.

Be a Cancer Prevention Activist

Learn about the issues surrounding cancer that may become policy in your country and advocate accordingly. Write letters to local newspapers. Educate yourself and those around you about healthcare initiatives that involve cancer prevention and vote from the heart. If you’re in the U.S., stay up to date with Congressional activity surrounding cancer at cancer.gov. If you’re in Canada, the Canadian Cancer Society can direct you to information about your Province (search the  “Advocate” tab for current issues). If you’re in the U.K. or other parts of the world, a great directory for resources, both for advocacy and research, can be found at cancerindex.org.

Make a Monetary Donation

If you’re financially able, choose a cancer charity that aligns with your values and donate funds. There are thousands of organizations doing great work to find cures, support those who have received a cancer diagnosis and spread awareness about prevention, detection and treatment. Every amount helps, no matter how big or small. If you’re not sure where to start, cancerindex.org provides a list of reputable cancer organizations, sorted by country.

Fundraise for Cancer Organizations

If you’re not in the position to give, a great way to make an impact is to help with events that raise money for cancer charities—or even organize an event of your own. From walks to auctions to galas, there are countless options to get involved. Fightcancer.org offers a regularly updated list of upcoming events. Eventbrite has a helpful step-by-step article about how to create a charity event of your own.

Volunteer Your Time

There are many suffering from cancer who need support, whether it be rides to their treatment appointments, meal preparation, house-cleaning, child care or simple visits to provide companionship. Cancer.net offers a great guide on how to get started as a volunteer. Or, if you have medical training, there are multiple charities that need qualified professionals in the field to help with training and other tasks worldwide. Health Volunteers Overseas has both short and long-term opportunities available
Together we can make a positive contribution in the fight against cancer. For all those who have received a frightening diagnosis, are caring for a loved one who has it or lost someone to any form of the disease, please know you are not alone. The Cancer Support Community has over 170 locations across the globe to support you.
Let’s make our world cancer free #conservelife

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