Every step to #ConserveLife

1 billion people have to walk 3.5 miles just to get a drink of water! Raise funds to help by counting every step you take…


While you wait for you food scan the QR code on the menu, or use the short link URL, to visit your restaurants campaign.


Treat yourself to your wonderful meal and give something similar to care for people that desperately need your help.


Ask your waitress or waiter for the steps taken to serve your table. Make it count, share to #conservelife.

Every step we take serves you food.

We want every step we take to also serve the environment and people that desperately need our help. Restaurants around the world will count every step their waiters take to raise money to…


Every step we take 1

How it works

1. It’s free and easy for your restaurant and team to get involved. Just sign up and we’ll make a menu flyer and campaign web page for your restaurant.

2. Choose your step counter device. Choose what ever works best for you. 

3. Educate and motivate your team about counting their steps, being healthy and raising funds for the conservation of life with The White Feather Foundation. We care for the environment and for people that desperately need our help. Learn more

4. Launch your campaign using the menu flyer that encourages your clients to visit your campaign web page. They can scan the QR code or use the short link for easy access. Whilst they treat themselves to their meal, hopefully they’ll donate something similar directly to The White Feather Foundation via your campaign page.

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