It was through Bart’s suggestion that Julian decided to write the White Feather Flier books for children. The bestselling series has captured the imagination of thousands of children and contributed hugely to TWFF’s environmental projects. Inspired by the success, Julian and Bart are collaborating more – an animated TV show and more books are in the works!
“For the past four years, it has been an honor working alongside Julian as we crafted stories that highlighted his global conservation efforts,” said Bart. “I have seen first-hand the global impact of the White Feather Foundation and I am proud to join my dear friend in its noble mission. I look forward to continuing our work together and helping to shine a light on the most important humanitarian and environmental issues of our time.”
We appreciate Bart’s contribution and hope to do more amazing things together for Mother Earth. #conservelife
I am so enjoying your 2019 newsletter. I want to make sure I read and review each event. I keep up with you on FB. And Instagram.
I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished. I love your heart. Many Blessings Jules in 2020. Peace and Love