Finding Light in Uncertain Times

The spread of the Coronavirus can be stress-inducing, even for those who remain physically healthy. Here, find ways to reduce that stress from the comfort of your own home.
TWFF Coronavirus update - photo by Pixabay
With the constant news cycle of coverage on the topic of Covid-19, it’s natural to become anxious. At The White Feather Foundation, one of our main areas of focus is Health and Education, so we thought it may be helpful to provide resources not only about how to stay safe, but also how to find moments of peace as we all navigate this new normal.

Stay Informed

Scrolling social media feeds and television news channels these days can be overwhelming. Try to curate your content with a positive balance that allows you to see what’s important, while still appreciating the good things in life.
The World Health Organization provides rolling updates and news about the coronavirus 24/7 for readers across the globe. Their current homepage also features quick links to other trusted sources to help readers understand the science behind the recommendations for care, avoid scams, and watch videos of recent press briefings.

Take Time to Breathe

Many find meditation to be a comforting and effective way to reduce stress during trying times. The nonprofit The Master Shift leads free, live global meditations and has a library of on-demand past meditations that you can access. In whatever way that works for you, just remember to breathe.

Exercise at Home

Exercise is also a proven mood elevator, so if you’re lamenting that your nearby gym is closed or you don’t feel safe going for a jog at your local park, don’t dismay. Business Insider spoke with personal trainers to get recommendations for physical activities you can do in the comfort of your own home to stay fit during a quarantine.

Immerse Yourself in the Arts

If you find yourself stuck in front of the telly, or glued to your laptop, at least watch something that will lift your spirits. Travel and Leisure made a list of a dozen acclaimed museums that offer virtual online tours of art. The Seattle Symphony is offering free broadcasts of their performances and allows you to sign up to be notified when a new one will take place. Many libraries also lend e-books to allow you to regularly refresh your reading material.

Get Creative

When the hand sanitizer supply ran low, the team at Shine Distillery & Grill in Portland, Ore. used their alcohol waste to make their own—and distributed it free of charge. Because many schools must close, Mystery Science made their lessons accessible online free of charge for educators. Take inspiration from these inventive, kind gestures to find solutions that apply to your own life experience and if you find a new way to do something that helps others, share it widely.

Remain Connected to Your Community

Responsible social distancing is recommended in the short-term, but that isolation can be lonely for many. This is the time to call loved ones you may not have seen for a while. To foster thoughtful and meaningful online conversations with friends who also want to talk. To join the online community of a cause or hobby you’re passionate about, and take comfort in that healthy distraction. Find your tribe—and embrace it!

Don’t Lose Hope

Scientists and doctors are working around the clock to develop a vaccine for Coronavirus. A team in Canada has already isolated the agent responsible for the outbreak, which is a significant step in progress toward developing a vaccine.
We thank all of the researchers, caregivers, first responders and emergency teams that continue to work tirelessly in the face of many challenges and wish everyone the best during this unprecedented journey. #ConserveLife

Photo credit: Pixabay

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