We’re pleased to provide the following updates about three of our 2022 scholarship recipients.

Tsehaye, age 18, is currently in Grade 12. At home, she is one of four sisters in a family of six who live in a small plastic shelter. Food is scarce, but she applies her sewing skills learned at Studio Samuel to gain employment in garment factories during breaks from school, which helps tremendously.
She expressed gratitude from the support received as a scholarship recipient, “I am very thankful for The White Feather Foundation. Because of your support, my school performance is better, and I am now preparing for the national exam.”

Simret, age 18, is currently in Grade 12. After suffering abuse at the hands of her stepfather, she left home in 2023 to live independently. On her own, responsible for rent and living expenses has proven to be difficult, but she is making it work, with aspirations to become an architect.
She writes, “Currently, I am taking three classes: Marketing Management for my diploma, University Prep and Painting. Thanks to The White Feather Foundation, my one and only focus is my education.”

Hamrawit, age 18, is a recent graduate. A native of Wikro and former refugee, she transformed her young life by registering for school in her adopted home of Addis Ababa. With the goal of becoming an engineer, she devoted herself to educational success, achieving impressive results.
“Because of The Cynthia Lennon Scholarship, I graduated from high school with great distinction. Only 3% of students nationwide passed the Ethiopia Grade 12 exit exam. The passing score for that exam was 50%. I scored 83.2 % and am now able to attend university. I never thought this could be possible.”
We thank all donors, past and present, for making a difference in the lives of these girls and the 52 other girls who have been awarded scholarships.
If you’re as inspired by these students as we are, and would like to contribute to future scholarships, please visit the donation page for The Cynthia Lennon Scholarship for Girls. There, you can make a one-time donation or join our monthly program, The Muse, which is dedicated exclusively to this fund.
All photos in this post are courtesy of Studio Samuel.
At the request of our partners, we have changed the names of the girls’ referenced in this update for their protection.
Fantastic young women who are recipients of the Cynthia Lennon scholarship for girls. Beautiful stories.