TWFF Provides Safe Transport During Emergencies with Village Ambulances

Since 2017, these vehicles have helped a rural African community quickly reach medical facilities in times of need.
Village Ambulance TWFF15

This is the fourth in our blog series “15 Years of Conserving Life,” to commemorate our 15th Anniversary at TWFF and highlight specific collaborations that have made a meaningful impact on the world.

The Kamuli District in East Uganda

Citizens of the Kamuli district in East Uganda are known for farming, fishing and bee keeping. They grow crops of potatoes, sweet bananas, soybeans, tomatoes, cotton and sugarcane. The area is very rural and for many years, the community had no means of transport when urgent medical situations arose. Because the main roads that lead to area hospitals were often impassable, and not everyone had access to a vehicle, countless issues resulted such as road-side baby deliveries and complications from accidents of those en route for care.

The White Feather Foundation and Egoli Africa

In 2017, we partnered with Egoli Africa and Pulse to source vehicles that can easily adapt to the difficult terrain in the area. Together we purchased three of these trailers that can easily be connected to local bicycles or motorcycles to provide the necessary safety for passengers, who are often in fragile stages of health at the time of transport.

Ambulances Still in Use Today

Just last year, we received an update from Esther Haaisma and David Kawomera of Egoli Africa. Read our interview with them and watch a moving testimonial from a mother who was helped by one of the Village Ambulances we donated.

To donate to future projects that support health and education, make a contribution here.

Photo courtesy of Egoli Africa

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