Annual General Meeting
Last month, over 50 members (of all ages) in the community came together for the Billiaum Annual General Meeting. The four-hour gathering, held in Exeter, spoke about the Vision and Mission, celebrated their ancestral identity, and shared recent awards won by the group in addition to covering logistical and administrative orders of business.

Yerkala Mirning Stories
One of the ways that The Mirning are preserving their culture to ensure it continues on to future generations is by the sharing of stories on the website. Visit that link to discover a rich history of narratives, shared first-hand by members of the community.

Traditional Custodian Elders for Country
The continent of Australia is the home to hundreds of First Nations Peoples, the holders of some of the most ancient cultures on Earth. Each People has traditional boundaries and landscapes in which the Creation beings still abide. Each People has lived in harmony for millennia following the distinct traditional laws and customs of their Country.
Similar to other Indigenous groups around the World, within The Mirning, there are Councils of Elders made up of recognised Custodian knowledge holders, who act with collective wisdom as the traditional governing body. In spirit with their land, waters and sky, these Councils of Elders are the voice and spokespeople for their Country and all of the sacred creatures who call it home.
It is a powerful authority, which they inherited from their ancestors. Showing deep respect for these Custodian Elders and their traditional ways of collective decision-making, enable us to honour the global legacy carried by Indigenous peoples.

Save the Mirning Sea Country Legal Case
Since the winter of 2022, we have been raising funds to Save the Mirning Sea Country as the group works to secure their right to the area’s Native Title. It has been over a year since final evidence was presented, though the judge has not yet issued a decision in the case.
With patience, we collectively and peacefully await the verdict as we continue to appeal to our White Feather Foundation community for additional funds to cover the costs that accrued during the preparation and presentation of the case.
If you would like to make a one-time donation, please visit our campaign page.
Photo and graphic, courtesy of The Mirning People.
If you would like to become a member of The Dreamcatchers, our monthly giving program that benefits Indigenous culture projects, start here.