Training for Tomorrow Teaches Self-esteem, Life Skills to Ethiopian Girls

Training for Tomorrow


The problems faced by young Ethiopian girls are serious—child marriage and labor; trafficking and abuse are all among the horrors possible in their communities. Due to a cycle of poverty and the persistent threat of disease, ongoing education is needed to transform their lives.


Studio Samuel works to educate the girls through a program called Training for Tomorrow, which focuses on self-esteem, healthcare and life skills. This acquired knowledge is then taken back to their homes to help elevate entire communities.


Budget 16030
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There are several ways the Training for Tomorrow program teaches practical skills that benefit the entire community. For example, girls in sewing class learn to sew by making menstrual kits. These kits are then distributed to girls and women in the surrounding areas. In addition, the artisans who manufacture Studio Samuel jewelry are HIV+.They receive medical care and additional Training for Tomorrow support from the sale of the jewelry. Studio Samuel workers also earn fair wages to help support their families. At present, 60 girls and caregivers have benefited from the program.


The White Feather Foundation has been instrumental in expanding the reach of our message to a point we know we couldn’t have done alone. By giving Studio Samuel this vast platform for our voice, we’re able to make a deeper impact with our work and create further opportunity for our girls. Thank you for believing in grassroots initiatives!” – Studio Samuel Founder, Tamara Horton
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