At the end of each walk, I silently pause, and reflect on all the friends and family that I have, who are with us today, and I also like to think of those who have passed, with great love, knowing they all walk beside me/us. And last but not least, Mother Earth, for her hospitality during my travels. I don’t for one minute take the privilege of her fresh air or stunning landscapes for granted, for I know, her beauty won’t last forever, if we don’t take action right now, as we can see, she is already hurting…

Join me and take action on this milestone anniversary. Earthday.org offers a variety of ideas about how to get involved virtually during the quarantine. We also welcome your donation to The White Feather Foundation to Support Our Environment.
All photos by Julian Lennon. To see more of his photography, follow him on Instagram, @julespicturepalace.
Beautifully written. I’ve taken for granted the walks I use to take in the park or just walking from the train to work. Looking forward to the past too.
Very well said Jules. I relate to the feelings of a power walk or strolling in nature.Happy earth day!
Spoken from deep within your soul, Jules, thank you for your beautiful words, feelings, sentiment, & meaning. You are so right!!!
I for one am loving this lockdown. You can actually hear the songs of nature in our neighborhood rather than the sounds of cars passing. I wish more people took climate change more seriously but unfortunately most think it’s just natural evolution not humans polluting the air. I feel sorry for the future generations.
Beautifully said, Jules 💙 Miss my walks in the woods…just me and my furry friends! Observing and listening to the sights and sounds of Mother Nature 💚🦋🌿
Beautiful words and pictures.
Thank you Julian,
so beautifully written. Happy Earth Day! You definitely walk the walk, thank you for your inspiring words, words to live by.
I look forward everyday to your daily travels, reminds me of how important connecting with Mother Earth is. At times I feel like I can feel the ocean spray or feel the warmth of the sun through your photos.
Thank you for sharing on IG And FB 💙🌎🙏
May Julian be blessed for all things he does for our mother Earth and all of us. May his Foundation be blessed. By the way, three days ago I found a white feather on top of the stairs in my house. They are the stairs that take me to the yard. Such a bless to live in a house with yard full of trees. It was touching because only two days before I had thought about the story julian told us connecting his father to a white feather. So I thought about it and I found a feather!. I do… Read more »
Beautiful. These thoughts and words are so needed in this world right now.
Thank You The White Feather Foundation & Mr.Julian Lennon(Jules) for Your message about Earth Day 50! Mr. Julian Lennon, Thank You for Your B E A U T I F U L pictures of nature & talking to Us fans! I feel sooo priviledged & honored to receive Your messages/posts & Thank You for Your Positive & Encouraging words to help keep us going spiritually, mentally & physically! & THANK YOU FOR YOUR MUSIC Also! TWFF & Mr. Julian Lennon(Jules), Yous Rock & are Awesome(Always & Forever)!
Inspirational and well said Jules🌍🕊💙 Happy Anniversary to Mother Earth ! 💜 To the Good Old Days of travel and adventure and breathing fresh air with a feeling of being protected by our planet as we protect her! 🙏🏻🌸🌍💜☀️ Thank you for your caring!
Thank you. A beautiful reimdet
Beautifully said and true. I feel the same way Jules. Happy Earth Day. Keep Caring and sharing <3
Thank you, Julian! Your words – as always – mean a lot to me. This is the right moment to become aware how many likeminded people live here on planet Earth because many times I tend to feel so alone. My ideas about embracing and respecting nature sound strange to many but I don’t mind. I think your photographs are masterpieces as they show the timeless beauty of Mother Nature.
Lindo, Julian!
Very Nice Indeed. Thankyou Jules For Sharing Your Post and Photographs I Look Forward To The Past As Well The Simpler Things In Life. The Sun Trees and Fresh Air . Leave The Technology Home.
Love Your Posts and the White Feather Foundation.
Hi Jules
Very Powerful. Love Your Words Posts Music and Photographs. I Agree let’s get back to nature the trees fresh air the oceans the sun.
Leave the technology behind.
Absolutely Lovely.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. You put into words what is in my soul. But more than your words, I adored your photographs! When I close my eyes, I can imagine myself in those peaceful settings. You are so extremely lucky to be living in such beautiful surroundings and being able to walk among those places when your heart desires. I used to take great pleasure in getting up when the sun rose to tend my roses and planters in front and back yards. I am now incapacitated and unable to walk down stairs or among my plants without falling… Read more »
Everything changes, including Julian. The straightforward, no frills, fundamental, virtually breathtaking invitation from Julian reveals a reflective, “ sober”, mature, three dimensional Man, not defined by the struggles, but by setting them aside.for this moment in time. We could get our arms around this Jules, but maybe we’ll just get out of his way & wish him so very well as he puts one foot in front of another. Godspeed, Julian Lennon.
Thank you
i will like to add that your script is beautiful and full of positive thoughts and shows clearly your soul and heart are the one that belongs to a marvelous human being, which wants to embrace Earth conservation with your White Feather Foundation,which I KOW will receive a lot of donations worldwide, so you continue with your hard work and goals you will achieve in benefit of MOTHER EARTH. JULES continue with it and God bless today and always. By the way your photos are awesom and splendid. can you tel which places are. Regards and best wishes, Priscilla Gisela… Read more »
🌱 👣♾