Matching Campaign Launched for Covid-19 Relief in the Amazon

We need your help to meet our goal of $80,000 in total funding.
River People Peru

In response to the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the Amazon, The White Feather Foundation has launched an immediate campaign to match the generous $40,000 donation already made by Alexi Callinicos and family. 

Funds raised will provide Indigenous and river people in the hardest hit areas of the region with basic sanitation supplies like soap and kits of food to feed their families. It will also buy necessary Covid-19 tests, humanitarian aid kits, biosecurity kits and training for medical professionals in the area who may administer the tests and treat patients infected with the virus. This will all be facilitated by two of our trusted charity partners in the field.

Read more about the Amazon Conservation Team.

Read more about the Nevada Building Hope Foundation.

In the field Peru

We’re calling on you—our most devoted supporters—to open your hearts and give as much as you can in these trying times. To learn more about the campaign and what each level of giving provides, or to simply donate, visit our Action for the Amazon Covid-19 Relief Campaign page.

Thank you for helping us to #conservelife.


Photos courtesy of Nevada Building Hope Foundation.

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