Applications Now Open for The 2024 Cynthia Lennon Scholarship for Girls

The deadline is Friday, August 16th at 11:59 p.m. (GMT +1).
Cynthia Lennon Scholarship 2024

Since its inception in 2015, The Cynthia Lennon Scholarship for Girls has awarded 55 scholarships to girls in Ethiopia, Kenya, The United Kingdom and The United States. We are happy to announce that applications for the 2024 school year are now open to prospective candiates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply?

Any registered educational institution, charity or school program is eligible to apply on behalf of their female students, providing they represent a minimum of two students. We do not award funds to individual students.

Can parents or guardians apply on behalf of their daughters?

No. We do not award funding to families; only registered schools, programs and charities.

Which countries may apply?

The scholarship does not have location restrictions. Groups from every country worldwide are welcome to apply.

What is the age range of students who are eligible?

Programs and schools that serve students aged 3 – 18 are eligible. 

Who are some examples of previous winners?

Ella Together (UK); Studio Samuel (Ethiopia); Cura Orphanage (Kenya); GLOW Academy (US) and Connect to Learn (Kenya) are all previous award recipients.

In what language should the application be submitted?

To avoid any meaningful entries getting lost in translation, we require all applications to be completed in English.

Should we email you for status updates?

Please do not—we receive hundreds of applications each year, and cannot respond to each applicant. If your group is chosen as a finalist, you will be notified directly at the time of that decision.

When are applications due?

11:59 pm (London time) on August 16, 2024.

When are the award recipients announced?

On Cynthia Lennon’s Birthday, September 10th.

Is only one group/organization per year awarded the scholarship?

Not necessarily. For example in 2023, we split the award between two worthy recipients, on two different continents.

How many scholarships will be awarded this year?

That is dependent upon the amount of donations we receive right up to the point where the finalists are chosen. We do that to maximize the amount of recipients. If you would like to donate to the fund, or become a monthly member of The Muse, which allocates funds directly to this scholarship, start here.

How to Apply

Simply complete this scholarship application anytime between now and August 16th. Please take your time to provide the most thorough, thoughtful responses and only submit one application per group (duplicates will be removed).

If you have successfully submitted your form, you’ll receive a confirmation at the end of the process.

We wish all candidates the best of luck!

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July 23, 2024 09:11

Your good heart is amazing

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