Bridging Inequality Gaps One Project at a Time
When we join together to Protect Indigenous Cultures, we foster a better understanding of traditions and beliefs that may be different from our own. Our initiatives champion storytellers through projects like the Merata Mita Fellowship and Women of the White Buffalo. By promoting narratives that educate while they entertain, we give indigenous artists a chance to be heard and offer the public an opportunity to learn about tribes and people for which they may be unfamiliar.
When we strive for better Health and Education for those in need, we improve more than just the lives of those served. Because females are estimated to invest 90% of their earned income into family and community, it’s also better for the overall economy to produce more educated women. The projects we support provide girls in underprivileged countries with everything from school supplies to career counseling. Because there is such a disparity in the attendance between genders (15 million girls will never get an education vs. the 10 million boys that won’t), our focus lies on helping young women. The Cura Orphanage is one example of our efforts already in place; our newest campaign aims to build a nursery school in Zambia.
When we unite to Support our Environment, we close the information gaps that block and prevent important progress. To address and react to the climate crisis, we’ve partnered with organizations such as ForestNation and The Global Exploration Summit to plant thousands of trees. We also support organizations such as the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, which works to limit the effects of climate change, preserve biodiversity and conserve water resources. There has never been a more urgent time to devote action to our natural environment.
When we Give Clean Water to underprivileged communities across the globe—and the infrastructure to sustain it—we improve hygiene, provide an opportunity for safe food production and in turn help strengthen local economies. With our partners at the Amazon Conservation Team, we gave students at the Yachaikury School a better quality of life via a new pipeline system designed to secure their supply of clean water. In the Rong Village in Cameroon, a new water catchment was constructed and plants were placed strategically around it to protect the space from runoff and purify the water. The installation of two water tanks will complete that development.

Empowering and Educating for a Better Tomorrow
Each of these areas of giving works in a positive way to close inequality gaps by empowering the very people they help. Instead of patching a problem for it only to resurface in the years to come, we help deliver the tools and knowledge necessary to sustain positive outcomes.
In the spirit of social justice there are several ways (aside from monetary donations) to make an impact. From sharing important facts on social media to marching alongside like-minded activists to raise awareness, every bit helps. We hope on this World Day of Social Justice that you follow your heart and take action for the causes that mean the most to you. #conservelife
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